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Are Assisted Living Facilities Furnished?

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A senior celebrates moving their belongings into their new assisted living community.

Assisted living communities are designed to provide a safe and comfortable living environment for seniors who need assistance with daily activities. These communities offer a variety of services and amenities that cater to the needs of their residents. 

Some assisted living communities may come fully furnished, while others may require residents to bring their own furniture. At Laurel Place, we provide essential furnishings such as a bed and dresser. Residents are welcome to bring additional furniture to arrange their suite as they wish. 

Types of Furnishings in Assisted Living Communities

The type and number of furnishings provided in assisted living communities may vary depending on the facility’s size, location, and level of care offered. Some common types of furnishings that are typically provided in these communities include:

  • Bedroom furniture: This usually includes a bed, mattress, dresser, nightstand, and possibly a desk or chair.
  • Living room furniture: At Laurel Place, our studio apartments provide essential furnishings like a bed and dresser. Residents are welcome to bring their own additional furniture, such as a recliner, love seat, or TV stand to make their space feel more like home.  
  • Dining area furniture: Most assisted living communities have a communal dining area where residents can eat meals together. Our suites are not furnished with dining tables or chairs as meals are provided for residents. 
  • Basic kitchen appliances: Assisted living communities often provide basic kitchen appliances such as refrigerators, microwaves, and stoves for residents to use in their apartments. This allows residents to prepare simple meals if they wish.
  • Window coverings: Most assisted living communities will provide window coverings such as blinds or curtains for privacy and light control.
  • Emergency call system: Many assisted living communities are equipped with emergency call systems that allow residents to alert staff in case of an emergency. These systems may be provided at no additional cost or may require a monthly fee.

Benefits of Furnished Assisted Living Communities

A woman carries a box of her parent's belongings into an assisted living apartment.

Here are the top benefits of choosing an assisted living community that provides furnishings:

  • Convenience: Moving into a furnished apartment in an assisted living community means you don’t have to worry about purchasing and moving furniture. This can be especially beneficial for older adults who may have physical limitations or health concerns.
  • Cost savings: Furnished apartments in assisted living communities usually include the cost of furniture in their monthly fees, so residents don’t have to bear the additional expense of buying furniture.
  • Safety and accessibility: Assisted living communities often provide furnishings that are designed with safety and accessibility in mind. For example, beds may be adjustable for easier access, and chairs may have armrests for support.
  • Promotes socialization: Having common areas and shared furniture in assisted living communities can encourage residents to interact with one another and form social connections, which is important for overall well-being.
  • Easy maintenance: With furnished apartments, residents don’t have to worry about taking care of furniture or making repairs. This can be a huge relief for those who may have difficulty with tasks like cleaning or fixing broken items.
  • Personalization: While the furnishings in assisted living communities are typically provided, residents are often allowed to bring their own personal belongings and decorations to make their space feel more like home.
  • Ease of transition: Moving into an assisted living community can be a big change, but having a furnished apartment can help ease the transition by providing a sense of familiarity and comfort.
  • Flexibility: Furnished apartments in assisted living communities often come with the option to customize the furniture layout to fit residents’ needs and preferences. This allows for a more personalized living space.
  • Less stress for family members: Family members may feel overwhelmed with the task of furnishing their loved one’s new apartment. With furnished apartments, this burden is lifted and family members can focus on spending quality time with their loved one instead.
  • Saving time and energy:  For residents who may have limited mobility or health concerns, the task of furnishing an apartment can be physically and mentally draining. Having a furnished apartment in an assisted living community eliminates this stress and allows residents to conserve their time and energy for more enjoyable activities.
  • Included Amenities:  In addition to furniture, furnished apartments in assisted living communities often come with amenities such as housekeeping and laundry services. This allows residents to enjoy a more comfortable and stress-free living experience, without having to worry about daily household tasks.

Creating a Comfortable Home for Our Residents at Fairview Senior Living

Furnished apartments provide numerous benefits for both residents and staff at assisted living communities. They promote independence, comfort, and convenience for residents while making the transition into assisted living easier for all involved. 

At Fairview Senior Living, we offer furnished apartments as an option for our residents. We understand the importance of providing a comfortable and worry-free living experience, and furnishings are just one aspect of that process.Our goal is to make our residents feel at home in every way possible, and furnishing their apartments is just one way we can achieve this. Reach out to us today to learn more about our community and how we can help you or your loved one make the transition into assisted living with ease.

Written by Fairview Senior Living

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